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regularity "}褢^\黐_h坆Tb筫誰緥wQ g貧3z歔'`蔛wQY烻P[:\ g廭'`剉$N魚硚s|觺刧 7^ Development of New Methodologies for the Synthesis of New Carborane Materials 6RY+T硏|x鱬癳Pg檈蔛筫誰f[剉xvzN 7R Transport infrastructure development and individuals travel behavior 愌SU\N*N篘鶴L圠:N豐SE 7} Heterogeneous Chemical Processes of Reactive Nitrogen Oxides and Its Roles in Regional Air Pollution .l'lSir^桮W鴙Sf[蚐擽蔛vQ(W:S遅'Ylal觛-N剉\O(ue 7Z Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of marine benthic communities wm m昢huir=剟vuirY7h'`孴u`鹼邁烺齹E 7c Crustal architectures of South China and compositions and evolution of its basement NSWS0W骕觺刧N鶺昢膥b蔛vQoST 7 Physical exercise promotes vascular health: impact of mechano-transduction and novel endothelium-derived reg< ulators ▼汻f[ O璬蔛癳剉匭畍苸迉酧鱏郪P[鵞袕≧肙蹚@垺{eP穅剉sQ.昞O(ut 7| Uncovering the cellular and molecular mechanisms of delayed heart regeneration in the zebrafish mutant 銐刧慹l殎z豐SO鯺邚胈亶Qu剉苸迉孴RP[:g6Rg 7k Decoding the epigenetic identity and non-coding regulation in spermatogonial stem cells 銐麐緗烻r^苸迉剉h埪塛 O'`孴^x導cX 7z Potential application of neural stem cells for the treatment of spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries ^y蟸r^苸迉籰梪 佊殞ThT鬡^y蟸_c$Oj 7X Developlmental genetics and system biology of skeletal disorders sQ嶯細鹼邁緐舥剉裇瞼W Of[孴鹼邁uirf[xvzB 7v Molecular mechanism of protein trafficking and its implication in brain disorder and diabetes 藛}v(峫徯弰vRP[:g6R蔛vQ(W伨u舥孴謡?\舥-N剉\O(u^ 7 Development of triterpenoid natural product derivatives as new antiviral drugs directly blocking the receptor binding site of influenza virus 鶺嶯 N剓|STir導cAma舥襨N縖;N苸迉茓+R剉癳媁梑舥襨o僫rxvz 7Z Molecular study of lipid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle (嶑嬔S細寑饊沑 }譙剉RP[:g6RxvzG 7\ Clinical Significance of Circulating Tumour Cells in Asian Common Cancers @埅_痵Lv苸迉(W歂2m8^翂Lv莡剉4N奮aINJ 7I Ecology, evolution and pathogenicity of emerging viruses 癳裇舥襨剉u`0蹚S蔛魜舥'`xvz9 7[ Molecular Mechanism & Translational Research in Musculoskeletal Diseases 寑墍細鹼邁緐舥剉RP[:g6RNlSxvzI 7I Networked Multi-Agent Systems with Limited Information 鶺嶯 N孾te酧o`剉Q軂SY,gSO鹼邁xvz7 7d Modeling of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Concrete 璸硚s|瀀:_鱩軶W YTPg檈剉汻f['`齹R恎NxvzM 7r Development of multi-functional materials and structures using topology optimization techniques Y烺齹Pg檈N觺刧剉觔QbOS緥N瀃皊` 7u Biomechanics of deep tissue injuries & repairs: in-vitro, in-silico & in-vivo studies 駇B\膥莮R$O蔛頞 Y剉uir汻f[苸迉瀃寶0梴!j媁蔛≧ir(WSOxvzV 7y An investigation of characterization and machinability of Titanium alloy in ultra-precision machining 洈T褢厤緗芠燫錧剉燫錧yr'`蔛:gt剉xvzf 7 Modelling and Optimization of Surface Generation in the Computer Controlled Ultra-precision Polishing (CCUP) of Three Dimensional Structured Surfaces 厤緗芠pe沚IQ N魚觺刧媁h坆ub剉鷁!jNOS 7L Specialty optical fibres: Design, fabrication and applications yr蛓IQ緥06RYN擽(u? 7Q Development and characterizations of new energy composite materials 癳齹恘 YTPg檈剉x裇Nh垇_D 7O Surface modification of biomaterials and nanostructured materials uirPg檈蔛硚s|Pg檈h坆9e2怋 7Q Optical spectroscopy of devices based on semiconductor nanocrystals 鶺嶯硚s|vfJS黐SOhV鯪剉IQ1孌 78 Structure and dynamics of metallic liquids 褢^\瞞SO剉觺刧N≧汻f[xvz+ 7U Advanced luminescent materials with multifunctional characteristics wQ gY烺齹yr'`剉HQ蹚裇IQPg檈剉xvzD 7F Plastic deformation based processing of advanced materials HQ蹚Pg檈剉QX'`豐b_燫錧; 7M Tailored inhomogeneous deformation behavior in amorphous alloys ^梫fT褢-N剉颯^桮WS豐b_@ 7 Compact Designs of Quasi-Isotropic and Unidirectional Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Wireless Communications (u嶯鄀縹愥O剉'}裃_芉TT T'`孴UST薔(/chV)Y縹剉緥p 7V Development of High Performance Perovskite-Based Hybrid Solar Cells 貧'`齹檾洈w媁鱩孴_*Y3桚5u`l剉xvzD 7; Multifunctional Sensors Based on Transistors 鶺嶯vfSO剉Y烺齹 OahVxvz- 7B Biomedical Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition uir;Sf[酧鱏Yt孴!j_茓+R5 7T Distributed Signal Processing for Next Generation Wireless Systems (u嶯 NN鉔鄀縹鹼邁剉R^_酧鱏YtC 7W Delay-Aware Radio Resource Control for Cloud Radio Access Networks 慛鄀縹eQQ軂鶺嶯鯺邚a擽剉鄀縹D崘n6RC 7 Mobile Data Offloading 鹹≧penc剉螿 7" Research on Sketch Analysis I凗VR恎xvz 7U Beyond concept annotation: Multmedia event detection and recounting 厤妽俰鮛h鑜Y抁SO婲鯪纇KmN賁饛D 7 Algorithms for Reticulate Network Construction, Protein Binding Sites Prediction and Protein Complex Prediction sQ嶯Q秗Q軂刧鷁 藛}v(峂O筽剺Km蔛藛}v( YTSO剺Km剉梴誰p 7U Multiobjective Evolutionary Computation in Could Computing Environment 慛梴痵僗 N剉Y顅h蹚S梴G 7 BizLink: Massive Project Matching and Management Portal for Worldwide Business Collaboration Networks BizLink'Y膲!jFUy橆vOS\O孴tQ軂剉x6RN_裇m 77 Data Management in Emerging Applications 癳媁梴痵僗 N剉penctxvz) 7^ Fault Detection of Event-Driven Mobile Applications Using St< atic Analysis 婲鯪q毃R剉鹹≧擽(u z_曪婯NY`纇Km筫誰J 7H New algorithms for big visual data processing and analysis 茐蓧'Ypenc孴R恎癳筫誰xvz; 7^ Human detection, tracking and recognition via distributed camera networks 鶺嶯Dd螾:gQ軂剉篘SO顅h纇Km0邖*帉T茓+RJ 7R Inferring Disease Diffusion Networks for Epidemiologic Surveillance 緐舥ibceQ軂蔛 O觛'`緐舥裿KmD 7y Social Considerations in Planning Public Open Space to Integrate Elderly People in Urban Renewal 龕^蛻鷁糴lQ(u_>ezz摃剉R倣Twu;m剉Q哸 7b Performance Evaluation and Application of Stratum Ventilation to Hong Kong Buildings B\_愇槃v'`齹膵鱊蔛vQ擽(uU 7V Vibration and acoustic response of composite lightweight structures YTPg檈{(嵱~刧剉/c≧孴餢f[yr'`xvzD 7g Analysis of long-term structural health monitoring data for diagnosis and progonosis 鑕(W蕥璭N剺Km剉觺刧eP穅裿KmpencR恎U 7 Modeling and Developing a Novel Controller of a Three Evaporator Air conditioning system with an emphasis on improved indoor humidty control :_9e刄匭)n6R 鵞N NT:g鷁!jv^_裇癳媁剉6RhV 7l Study on the Impact of Debris Flows on Barriers by Physical Model Tests and Analysis 錶體Am鵞2枻b湒峹ir睶鸔剉irt!j媁諎寶xvzNR恎U 7v An Integrated Model for Assessing Flow Structure and Water Quality in Confluence River Channels 龕^蒘砽S4lAm觺刧蔛4l(峽|詋鼅T!j媁剉x裇` 7_ Study on hybrid artificial intelligence techniques in hydrological prediction 鱩T'`篘錧zf齹b/g嶯4l噀剺KmKNHe齹N 7C Development of high efficiency microfluidic fuel cells _裇癳媁颯愢e渷胵檈5u`l7 7} Application of Natural Occurring Minerals in Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Environmental Purification 陙6qwir(W颯翂IQ琍S痵僗繯SKN擽(ul 7~ Health risk assessments of residents in the Pearl River Delta exposed to brominated flame retardants(BFRs) (W鄐_l N覊2m磃2棊N2杒pBR剉eP穅螛i柲0Ok 7W Synthesis and modification of novel high-performance composite membranes 癳媁貧'`齹 YT渷剉T\O孴9e'`I 7 Effects of temperature and salinity on the physicochemical properties and toxcities of nano zinc oxide to aquatic organisms )n孴衯鵞硚s|'lS 晞virtSf[^\'`蔛vQ4luuir襨'`KNq_蚑xvz| 7 Using Metakaolin to Promote Metal Incorporation under Thermal Conditions: Mechanisms of Copper, Zinc and Lead Incorporation 錘豐(嵷毉\體瀀蹚軘 暸斞慯\al觛ir剉韕3z歔觺Tb/g| 7U Catalytic oxidation for the removal of toxic pollutants in water (u琍S'lS筫誰籗d4l-N襨'`al觛ir(崉vxvzA 7W Biomechanical study of musculoskeletal system and its support design 篘SO寑鹼邁剉uir汻f[xvz蔛/e慸緥E 7w Development of Cell Manipulation Tools for Probing Functional Mechanism of Hematopoietic Cells 擽(u:ghV篘厪㏑IQJ/gxvz 怈埰~迉剉蚫\O蔛\O(u:gt_gh 7 Using Imaging Techniques in Quantitative Verification of the Acupuncture Effect in Ischemia Stroke Treatment (ub螾b/g蠎S寶翄垟xp(W:@'`-N螛籰梪-N剉\O(um 7C Comparative analysis of bacterial and fungal genomes 苸虄孴w虄剉詋儚鶺郪膥f[R恎5 7T Study of limb lengthening techniques and its clincial applications SO鯺晙b/g剉鶺@x孴4N奮擽(u剉xvzC 7Q Role of TGF-beta/Smad signaling in cancer microenvironments TGF-beta 酧鱏(W縺$v甠痵僗-N剉\O(uE 7 Characterisation of trisomic transcriptome and gene dosage imbalance in fetal brains of Down's syndrome by comprehensive RNA sequencing RNAKm廭纇KmUl鼅T乢蝷?Q'Y NSOl廢_膥鶺郪BR蠎yr'`xvz 7O Liver graft injury and cancer recurrence after transplantation 潃侞y iT剉鹹 i潃_c$O孴縺$v Y裇? 7 Animal models for understanding the pathogenesis of human diseases, and their use for validating the therapeutic efficacies of stem cells and potential compounds from traditional Chinese medicine and/or synthetic compounds )R(u篘{|緐舥剉≧ir!j媁xvz緐舥剉舥t菑 z蔛vQ(u嶯r^苸迉孴 O邁-No gHeSTirbTbir剉籰梪He済xvz 7G High-throughput testing of genetic variants for myopia 褟茐yOQ軂筫誰剉蛻'Yy橆v)R蕍鴙sQsQ鹼R恎j 7W Production and Delivery Scheduling Problems in Supply Chain Management 汷擽t-N剉uNM對^顣槝G 7 Integrated hedging-point-based production/inventory control and dynamic lot sizing problem under stochastic demand 彇:g桞lag鯪 N鼅T塠hQ筽u揯X[6R孴≧`yb蠎膲R顣槝筫誰剉xvzs 7j Developing a personal cooling system for combating heat stress in the constructon industry 鷁Q{錧篘梑韕*N篘稱tS鹼邁剉x6R[ 7J Some problems in reliability analysis and quality control 颯`'`R恎N(嵪懅c6R-N剉N汵顣槝: 7b A Novel Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Evaluating Travel Websites 鶺嶯Y芉R砆V{!j媁剉舉8nQ賨膵0O癳筫誰O 75 On Steady Compressible Transonic Flows sQ嶯颯婼)歔8^鑽髼怉m剉xvz' 7j Non Negative Tensor Based Computation for Analyzing Large Scale and Multi Relational Data 'Y媁蔛Y蛻sQ鹼penc剉^ _蠎梴 9: IJ Z 7+ Computational Algorithms for Imaging b螾梴梴誰% 7R Stochastic Equilibrium Problems and Their Applications in Economic 彇:gGWa堫晿樖SvQ蟸Nmf[-N剉擽(uC 7M Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Marine Natural Products uir;m'`wm m)Y6qir剉hQTb? 7V Novel strong-field effects in extreme nonlinear terahertz optics *Y蒪k峺Q鈒祂乬飠^椏~'`IQf[-N剉癳GY:_:WHe擽A 7L Optical Plasmonics - materials, devices and applications h坆桰{粂纎CQqQ/c - Pg檈0hV鯪孴擽(u9A D 7: Quantum Sate Manipulation of Photons and Atoms IQP[孴烻P[剉蠎P[`蚫/ 7s Investigation of the electrical & optical properties of novel two-dimensional materials & devices xvz癳媁孨魚Pg檈蔛vQhV鯪剉IQ5u'`齹b 7@ Fundamental and Applied Biophysical Mass Spectrometry uir(1寗v緥N擽(u6 7{ Preparation of environment-friendly anti-biofouling coating from polymer/ natural marine product 惽廧Tir/wm m)Y6qir YT6RY痵僗薙}Ywm m2朼l俶B\af g 7 Investigating the roles of TRIP-Br1 and XIAP in the ubiquitination and degradation of all adenylyl cyclase isoforms sQ嶯TRIP-Br1 孴XIAP(W@b gz侘偗sSv戂l }S孴M栥-N剉\O(u剉xvztv   7 Use of Genome Wide Association (GWAS) to identify novel loci controlling the quality of the Shiitake mushroom Lentinula edodes 袕(uhQ鶺郪膥sQTR恎裇榗導c櫃莾罷(崉v癳鶺郪MOm 7} The Investigation and Regulation of Signaling Pathway in T Cell for Cancer Stem Cell Recogonization T苸迉鵞縺$vr^苸迉茓+R菑 z-N酧鱏愶崉vR恎孴寕 e|  7% MT1-MMP in Neurogenesis MT1-MMP孴^y蟸峇u $  7u Investigaton on Pax6 regulation of neuronal apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease Pax6l廢_郪P[鵞t^魎FT(Alzheimer's)舥乛y蟸CQ薗導c:g6R剉xvzQZ g 7P Modeling human acute myeloid leukemia with zebrafish embryos (u慹l殀溭蝷\O:Nxvz%`'`}v@埮u剉!j媁 =O  7v Investigation of the biological role of Nucleophosmin 1 in mRNA regulation under genotoxic stress 8h罭鱴x懰唥v(W鶺郪亃豐婼汻 N剉uir導c bu  7y Pathogenic roles of phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta isoform in glioblastoma multiforme 鱴x憣噾3纎v慸elta歂媁(WYb_'`^y蟸鰛(嵧k苸迉$v緐舥蹚U\-N剉\O(uW[ \^ c 7} Myopia genomics study (with emphasis on human genetics, zebrafish model or chick model) 褟茐鶺郪膥f[xvz (xvz蛻筽颯>e(W篘{|W Of[W Of[0慹瑱Z!j媁b\迻!j媁)X` b|  7 Toward an emerging paradigm of network medicine: A novel approach to combinational herbs/compounds-based drug discovery in rheumatoid arthritis Q軂;Sf[癳!j_bT{|螛nsQ倐巔剉鶺嶯膥T-No/Sf[bRo僫r裇皊剉xvz    7u Monitoring Fatigue Damage in Axles of High-speed Trains Based on Nonline< ar Acousto-utrasonics )R(u^椏~'`厤餢鈒歔蠎裿Km貧Rf弉弔彶u砇_c$O ^t  7W Photocatalytic-electrochemical mechanisms of photocatalytic fuel cell IQ琍S胵檈5u`l剉琍S5uSf[:g6R GV  7 Challenges on Organic Photo-Voltaics and Light-Emitting Diodes - A Concerted Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Institutional Effort - Influences of Interfacial charge transfer on organic electronics devices 惽忚峟[褃蔛Yf[b杽vOS T猂汻螐 g:gIQOSb5u`l蔛裇IQ孨乬b4N剉cb-倐b5uw僱忹y鵞 g:g5uP[hV鯪剉q_蚑    7 Preparation of high performance polyethylene oxide (PEO) based solid polymer electrolyte for lithium ion battery 暬yP[5u`l(u貧'`齹Z痵'lYN飌PEO 鶺鶹SOZTir5u銐(崉v6RY蔛'`齹xvzq  7n Hybrid semiconductor - plasmonic nanostructures for sensing and energy applications JS黐SO - I{粂P[SO纎CQBgS硚s|觺刧剉 Oa蔛齹恘擽(uTW Z 74 The physics of p-type doping in ZnO ZnOPg檈p媁篶Bg剉irt:g6Rxvz') * 7 Study of Smart Fibers from Recombinant Spider Case Silk Proteins for Functional Garment Applications (u嶯zf齹 g艌剉鶺郪蛻膥囒SuSN(RSCS)剉魚剉xvzeu { 7E Study of Advanced Structural and Functional Materials HQ蹚觺刧Pg檈N烺齹Pg檈剉xvz 6D  7j Electric vehicle and renewable energy integration into the smart grid of the future 5u≧}lf弻T颯峇u齹恘(W*gegzf齹5uQ-N剉teT Ti  73 Network coding for large MIMO systems 'YMIMO鹼邁-N剉Q軂x&' + 7Y Signal Processing in lp-Space: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications lp-zz魰剉酧鱏Yt梴誰0R恎N擽(u GH I 7u A Hierarchical Sensing Approach for Efficient Motion Tracking and Analysis in Advanced Surveillance (u嶯貧He袕≧邖*帉TR恎剉YB\ Oa dt  79 Information dissemination in social networks >yQ軂-N酧o` O璬 -6  7z Seismic behavior of squat RC walls with high axial loads - an experiental and numerical study K{鱩軶W顆橷(W貧tT}弚 N剉梑'`齹-諎寶孴peG J 7A Comparative Study of the Aviation Law and Legislation *倆z誰蔛vQ藌誰詋儚xvz6 7媠5嶟V 7魣緩O 7媠 鞐 7N# 7Ng齎 7蘍譥j 7醼褢矁 7%N *m 7醼UYj 7媠仠u 7N臇 7H  7hT齎c 7乭闚 7k Elucidating the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Synaptic Failure in Alzheimer s Disease t^魎FT莡-N亃鎵烺齹1Y寗vRP[:g6RxvzX 72014-148 7~樼~N 7Biological Sciences 7 Phylogenetic diversity and contribution of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria to nitrogen removal in mangrove wetland ecosystem h梘n0Wu`鹼邁-N孲'l(l'lS苸虄剉鹼邁裇瞼Y7h'`孴0N  72014-149 7dlP[穅HKUST 7` Synthesis of carbon quantum dots and study of their photophysical properties 硏蠎P[筽剉颯6RYb/g蔛vQIQf[yr'`xvzM  7 Theoretical Exploration on the Mechanism of Graphene Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth for High Quality Graphene Synthesis 貧(嵪戵w╔飌Sf[la寜l續誰u:g6R剉t簨xvzz 7 0702irtf[ 7 0702irtf[  7/List of 2014 Hong Kong Principal Investigators 1201t褃f[N錧 z 7 0830痵僗褃f[N錧 z  7#j 0831uir;Sf[錧 z 7 0831uir;Sf[錧 z  7#j 0812梴:g褃f[Nb/g 7#j 0802:g癶錧 z 7 0710uirf[ 7 0710uirf[ 7G Water stress responses and wate<er-saving production of crops \Oir4lR羳霃孴倐4l=h鵚< 7b3 5 -6K789:;;=Y S>q ? 獲 鉇eB紹C3mC臗D;uD虳%EC}E誆-FK匜軫5GS岹錑親J2K&L7M9璑翺Q%5RS=S[uTt|U{dVc!F韼鈵=誧荴枀+O脋 長$&5o僩岇膼4 EXCEL.EXEP妒a(Ti" 8XX 匓(? 匓(?&T(U} ` B} c}  B} B} 'C} D} 燖F} A} @W?W Pt a H H I Q O2 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